Monday, April 12, 2010

planning for PD session on pedagogy and online learning

This is just my first thoughts for a PD session with OU tutors on 'pedagogy and online learning'

Discussion points:
1. what is blended learning?
2. how do we encourage students that this is one way of verifying their work?
3. making sure this is not the death knell of face to face or residential?

For 1 above I've come across some possible materials
- The Hybrid Learning Model
- Blended Learning Slideshare

Then move on to ...

1. Moodle – show some ideas on the main display screen – discuss together who has tried these ideas and how it went, e.g. :-

a. Cafe

b. Designing activities with time slots

c. TMA notes?

2. Elluminate – might need to explain some of the problems and then get everyone involved in a session? Use following as ideas to show how to structure the time:-

a. Based on moodle activities

b. Using text boxes on the whiteboard

c. Break out rooms

d. Collaborative documents

3. MyStuff - a bit like item 1 above

a. Sharing tutorial notes

b. Podcasts

c. Other ideas?

4. Encouraging blogs – a discussion with one or two examples on screen

a. Encouraging mature students to be reflective

b. Helping to structure essays BUT beware plagiarism

5. Course wiki – as for item 4 above

a. Easy enough to design own

b. OU Course wiki neater?

c. Collaborative documents

Reading to ‘take away’..........

If anyone has some useful stuff/ideas to help out with this I'd be really grateful!